Unit 2 A new student (Story time) 教案

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Unit 2 A new student (Story time) 教案

2023-04-12 02:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Unit 2 A new student (Story time)教案教学目标:知识目标:(1)学生能听、说、读、写单词和词组:classroom,art room,music room, computer room,table tennis room, on the first floor, on the second floor, on the third floor, show…around.(2)学生能运用重点句型:There is /are….Is there a/an… Are there any… (3)学生能理解掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2.能力目标:(1)学生能将各类教室单词和本课重点句型结合起来进行阐述。(2)学生能运用本课重点单词和句型介绍自己的学校。情感目标:学生能认识到我们的校园非常美丽,要热爱学校,热爱学校生活。教学重点:学生能听、说、读、写单词和词组:classroom,art room,music room, computer room,table tennis room, on the first floor, on the second floor, on the third floor, show…around.学生能运用重点句型:There is /are….Is there a/an… Are there any… 学生能理解掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。教学难点:1.学生能将各类教室单词和本课重点句型结合起来进行阐述。2.学生能运用本课重点单词和句型介绍自己的学校。教学过程:Step1: Warm upGreeting: Good morning/afternoon, class.Free talkWhat day is it today What subjects do you like Do you like English What lessons do you have this morning Enjoy a song: What’s in the classroom T: In this song, what’s in the classroom S: There is a TV in the classroom.T: Can you describe your classroom There is/ are…设计意图:以一首贴合本课内容的歌曲导入,引出重点句型There is/are…锻炼学生从歌曲中捕捉关键信息的能力,同时活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。Step2: Presentation1. PPT 出示NancyT: Today, we have a new student. Who is she Ss: She is Nancy.T: Let’s say hi to Nancy. She is a new student. Look, they are her new classmates. They welcome her to the new school. Now Miss Li asks Yang Ling to show Nancy around their school.Teach show… around2. T:Can you guess what’s in their school 出示句型: Is there a/an… Are there any… 学生运用提示句型进行猜测设计意图:引出本课的主人公Nancy, 通过带领Nancy参观新学校的方式,教授重点词组show…around, 同时让学生运用重点句型Is there a/an… / Are there any… 的句型进行操练,猜测Nancy的新学校有什么。3. Watch the cartoonQuestion: What’s in their school Teach: classroom, computer room, library, music room, table tennis roomRead these new words together.T: All these classrooms are in the building.Teach: building, in the buildingShow the picture of a buildingCircle 1F, 2F, 3FT : What do they mean Teach: 基数词: one,two,three序数词: first,second,third干预活动:表示第几时,需要在序数词前加the, 如在一楼表示为on the first floorT: One means the first, F means floor.door→ floorTeach: the first floor同法教授 the second floor,the third floor设计意图:让学生带着问题观看动画,回答Nancy的新学校有哪些教室,从而进行功能教室的教学,接着过渡到这些教室都在大楼里面,图片呈现大楼,对大楼的楼层进行教学,从而向学生渗透基数词和序数词的含义。Read and matchT: Where are these rooms Learning tip: 请仔细阅读对话,划出这些房间所在的楼层Let’s check.T: Where is the library S: It’s on the third floor.Where is the table tennis room S: It’s on the first floor.Where are the computer rooms S: They’re on the third floor.How many computer rooms S: Two.Where’s Nancy’s classroom S: It’s on the second floor.Where is the music room S: It’s on the first floor.Let’s sayPair work句型操练: There is/ are … on the … floor.Try to read(1)Read after the tape(2)Read in groups: ①Read together ② Read in roles ③ Read in pictures设计意图:任务型阅读,学生带着问题阅读课文,让学生学会提炼语言点,同时让学生根据自己总结的教室楼层,同桌合作,运用There is/ are … on the … floor.进行语法练习,同时采取多样的朗读方式,让学生自由选择,小组合作。Step3: Consolidation(目标检测)1. Try to retellHi, Yang Ling. This is _______ Black.She’s a____________. Can you _______________ Yes, Miss Li.How many _______ are there in our school These are the ________.There are 24 classrooms.Our classroom is on the _____floor.Are there any ______________ Yes, there are. There are two__________________.There is a ________ too.They are on the _________ floor.Is there a ______ room Yes, there is. It’s on the ________floor. The_____________ room is on the first floor too. Let’sgo and have __________.2. Let’s write. (写一写你的学校)Hello, I’m ….Look at my school.There is....................It’s on the...floor.There are………………….I like my school设计意图:语言输出,培养学生说和写的能力,同时也是对学生学习情况的检测。3. Show timeInvite some students to share their writing.Step4: Emotional education1.PPT呈现一系列学校图片T: Look, this is our school. There are some buildings in our school. There are some beautiful flowers. There is an art room. There is a computer room. There is a music room and a library. There is a big playground. There are some classrooms.2. T: What do you think of our school Ss: Nice./ Beautiful…T: School is our second home. Love our school. Love our school life.设计意图:由课文内容过渡到情感价值教育,教育学生热爱学校,热爱学校生活。Step5: Homework1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape.2.Copy the new word four times.3.Introduce our school to your family and friends.板书设计:






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